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Laura Mena Penedo


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Laura Mena Penedo (Algatocín - Málaga, Spain) is 32 years old and has a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Málaga. She studied a Master's in Creative Writing at the University of Seville and is an Interpreter-Informant at the International Relations Service of the University of Málaga. She has completed a training course in teaching Spanish as a foreign language at the Instituto Cervantes in Lisbon. She has collaborated with the Contenedor Cultural de Málaga in the poetic performance «Habitar el Margen». She is a member of the reading club «Las luciérnagas» with colleagues from the University of Málaga.

She has recently lived in Lisbon for over a year and a half, a city to which she moved to finish her collection of poems Habitar la raíz. She teaches her creative writing workshop and carries out online literary revisions and advice through her project « La golondrina literaria », available on social media: @lagolondrinaliteraria. As a result of this work, she has carried out the style revision of the collection of poems Lapislázuli, un sueño (Universo de Letras, 2024) by Araceli Gutiérrez Olivares and the orthotypographic revision of her other collection of poems: Sjø Mar (Lermontova publishing, 2024).

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